What an incredible journey @feastmatariki has been this year. From Tāmaki / Auckland to Awarua / Bluff it’s been an extraordinary privilege to work alongside mana whenua and tangata whenua to celebrate Matariki & the first indigenous public holiday in the world through kai / food. Just writing those words makes me shake my head at the enormity of it all. We have so many people to thank, but particularly Māori astronomer and Ngāi Tahu partner Tori Campbell. Also Eat NZ exec member Aimee Kaio.
And other mātauranga Māori supporters and advisors including Hana O’Regan, Manaia Cunningham, Kelly Barry and Damaris Coulter. All the Māori chefs and cooks who’ve so generously shared their understanding and kai with us, as well as the incredible mahika kai experts and food producers.
And to the story-tellers, who through their kōrero, waiata, art and performances have shown us the extraordinary richness and depth of our food story here in Aotearoa. It’s been a humbling, enlightening and joyous ten days for so many of us. We’re already working on the road map for next year but in the meantime we’d encourage everyone to embark on their own journey of wānanga or learning as we work towards true & meaningful partnership for our food story. Rurukutia kā papaka o te whata He haukai kei te aroaro Bind together the boards of the storehouse A feast is laid out before us Angela Clifford, CE Eat New Zealand. Head over to both @eat.newzealand and @feastmatariki to see more from the celebrations across the country.