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NZ Bakers Day Out in North Canterbury #EatNZGrains

NZ Bakers Day Out in North Canterbury #EatNZGrains

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Last week (Feb 2nd 2022) we took a decent pinch of our best bakers into the wheat fields of Canterbury and asked them how they would like to contribute to a Local Grain Economy for Aotearoa.

Advocates for real bread and nourishing all humans, they are part of a bigger group keen to see some change in this part of our food system. They'll be an integral part of the Eat NZ Grains event on May 4th but also key in the overall movement.

Read some of the bakers first hand experiences from the day below...

Sam from Grizzly Baked Goods shared his thoughts in a blog on Fertile Soil.

Dusty of The Dusty Apron shared an IG post where he spoke to Wheat in Motion.

Legends all.

#EatNZGrains #RealBread

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