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National Food Strategy Update - Feb 2024

National Food Strategy Update - Feb 2024

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Tēnā koutou katoa,

As I send this, the government is accepting our petition into the House of Representatives. It is being presented by the MP for Taieri, Ingrid Leary. The petition calls for the development of a government-facilitated, community-led, values-based national food strategy. It states that the strategy be holistic and create a better, fairer, more connected and delicious food system.

As we start this new year we want to be very clear about how important this is to us as an organisation. We are confronting unprecedented challenges to our food production systems, our food security, our climate, and our food sovereignty. We also recognise our right to food we can enjoy, celebrate with, and kai which reflects who we are as New Zealanders.

We understand the importance of co-design with all food citizens, and the power of standing together collaboratively in this space. We remain hopeful we can all contribute to an abundant food future in Aotearoa.

We’ll keep you updated on the progress. In the meantime here are a few important articles that have appeared over the summer break:

Gung hei fat choi!

Angela Clifford, CE Eat New Zealand.


#KnowYourFarmer #KnowYourFisher #EatNZGrains #GrowFoodCommunities #EatNZKaitaki #RepurposeTheSurplus #Biodiversity #FeastMatariki #MahikaKai

Articles worth your attention...

Lots of Little hits the headlines

Wonderful to see Lots of Little as a definition for the future of New Zealand food in this article.

Tell me more about the Food Revolution in Aotearoa #LotsofLittle

Seeking summer joy through kai

There's been an abundance of warmth and sunshine across (most) of the country this season, over the break we asked our Kaitaki to share how they were all seeking joy through kai.

There have been some beautiful stories, images and reels over on our socials and up on the Kaitaki Substack page.

Go and check them out over on the Eat New Zealand Instagram here. We hope you too, were able to experience joy through kai this summer, in your own unique way.

Take me to the Kaitaki Summer Joy stories

We'd like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of our sponsors and partners including the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Our Land and Water & Foundation for Arable Research.


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