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Mana Kai - A Values Based Framework for our food system in Aotearoa.

Mana Kai - A Values Based Framework for our food system in Aotearoa.

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In 2022 Eat New Zealand will continue to push for a values-based framework for our food system in Aotearoa. While most of our trading partners have a National Food Strategy, New Zealand does not. This means market-based decisions don’t always lead to the best environmental, social and cultural outcomes for us as eaters.

We need to be able to eat food which supports our health, that regenerates our land and oceans, and that speaks to who we are as people.

We know it’s also an important income source for our country, but we believe all these things can be achieved with the right settings.

So what are our values? A group led by the Aotearoa Circle and KPMG which includes our CE Angela Clifford has come together to ask this question, and has developed an idea to be considered:

Mana Kai

In turn we asked some of our Eat NZ Kaitaki (or next generation food story-tellers) to give us their thoughts about some of the core ideas.

Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we share the results…


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