We are a grassroots food movement dedicated to connecting people to our land and our ocean through our food. Join the whānau and become a supporter.

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Delicious Activism!

Delicious Activism!

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There are just two days left until our petition closes, calling for a community-led, values based national food strategy for Aotearoa. Over this time we’ve seen a chorus of calls for a food strategy from science and industry as well.

I’m hopeful a framework for New Zealand food is now inevitable, but I worry about the space for our food producers, our communities and eaters at the decision-making table.

Our food system is vast, and remembering the importance of everyone is vital; from farmers to health professionals, hospitality to education and children. Our environment including our animals are all impacted by our food system. And it's important to design a strategy with the Treaty of Waitangi as our guiding constitution.

I’m excited that this call has pulled together over 60 organisations to stand together. It’s not too late! Join us. Sign the petition. Sign up to the newsletter. Come down to the Beehive in Wellington next Wednesday 30th August from 1:00pm to 1:30pm when we’ll be presenting the petition alongside some deliciousness.

It has never been more important to stand together, visioning and working towards a better food system for Aotearoa.

Thank you for your support.

Angela Clifford, CE Eat New Zealand. @eat.newzealand

#KnowYourFarmer #KnowYourFisher #EatNZGrains #GrowFoodCommunities #EatNZKaitaki #RepurposeTheSurplus #LotsOfLittle #Biodiversity #FeastMatariki #MahikaKai

Sign the Petition to #FixOurFoodSystem!

Auckland Climate Festival

The Auckland Climate Festival kicks off next week from the 31st August - 29th September and some of our Tāmaki Makaurau based Eat NZ Kaitaki are behind some of the activations.

Michal Garvey of Foodprint is hosting a series of events - including a breakfast on Weds 20th Sept looking at 'Food Security & the Just Transition' and Food Waste in relation to 'What's Eating Climate Change' on Thursday 28th Sept and even a Quiz Night!

Another Eat NZ Kaitaki Sarah McFadden will be faciliating a series of Planting Parties at Kelmarna Gardens on the 14th and 28th September! Perfect for any garden enthusiasts, green thumbs, and budding botanists - just make sure you register your interest here.

See more of the AKL Climate Festival Events

Climate Action Festival: BOP

A first for Tauranga & Western Bay, the Bay of Plenty will be hosting a series of events for the Climate Action Festival from September 11th - 17th. We are particularly excited about the local eatery promos - where they will be encouraging food businesses throughout Tauranga and the Western Bay to provide a dish that is plant-based, organic, made with local ingredients, and/or made using seasonal produce.

There will also be guest speakers, webinars and movie screenings. Head over to Envirohub to check out what's on here.

See more from the Climate Action Festival - TGA / BOP

We'd like to acknowledge the generous and ongoing support of our sponsors and partners including the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Our Land and Water & Foundation for Arable Research.


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